Senin, 28 Mei 2012

list of sin if we leave time praying 5

1 . Dawn prayer : once someone muslim / muslimah leave dawn prayer , then reward be put in hell jahannam for 30 years hereafter and that means 60,000 year we live ever .

2 . Prayer is dzuhur : once someone muslim prayers dzuhur / muslimah left , then will he accept reward is sin as he had slain 1,000 men ummat islam . 

3. prayer is ASHAR: once someone is muslim/muslimah leave prayer is ASHAR, then the rewards would he thank is a sin as he had shut out/tear down the Kaaba.

4. prayer is Maghrib: once someone is muslim/muslimah left prayers at sunset, then the rewards would he thank is a sin as adultery he has with his parents on their own.

5. prayer is Ishaa: once someone is muslim/muslimah Ishaa prayers left, then the rewards would he thank is Allah SWT will not ridha he lived on the Earth, and his eating and drinking out of favor him

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