Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

the benefits of the fruit of star fruit

Heal the Gums bleed Blimbing Wuluh fruit Consumes both fresh starfruit or candied routinely every day two starfruit is eaten every day

Blimbing wuluh as a toothache five fruit carambola wuluh after washed clean chewed goggle- salt . Repeat many times until it goes away the pain of it .

Blimbing Wuluh as drugs Since sciatica One handheld leaf starfruit yg young 10 seed clove finely grinded pepper seeds 15 then add vinegar to taste. Lumurkan where sick

Blimbing Wuluh as Painkiller Panu Ten fruit washed and grinded starfruit smooth add lime betel nut of twisted acid until flat. This herb is used for rubbing skin afflicted by panu's reply. Do 2 times a day

Diabetes Drug as Blimbing Wuluh fruit Six starfruit crushed boiled with 1 glass of water until the water stays half strain drink 2 times a day.

Blimbing Wuluh as Drug Busting Acne Prepare 3 pieces fresh starfruit. Wash and clean. The fruit Peel and given a bit of salt. Stick on skin yg breakouts. Do 2 times a day. Fruit starfruit secukup washed then pounded finely mashed with salt water face scrub for seperlu yg breakouts. Do 3 times a day. 6 pieces starfruit and 1/2 teaspoon powdered sulfur milled smooth then kneaded with 2 tablespoons of lime juice. This herb is used for scrubbing and melumas face of yg breakouts. Do 2-3 times a day.

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