Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Tulisan 1

PONTIANAK, KOMPAS.com — Selama tiga hari hingga Jumat (23/3/2012), matahari melintas tepat di garis khatulistiwa. Di Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, yang dilalui garis khatulistiwa, masyarakat dan wisatawan bisa menyaksikan pesona kulminasi matahari.

Wakil Wali Kota Pontianak Paryadi mengatakan, tahun ini, tidak digelar acara besar pada kulminasi matahari bulan Maret. "Nanti akan ada acara besar pada kulminasi bulan September, sekaligus perayaan ulang tahun Kota Pontianak," kata Paryadi, Kamis (22/3/2012).

Kulminasi matahari, atau matahari saat berada tegak lurus di atas benda yang berada di sepanjang garis khatulistiwa, menyuguhkan fenomena menarik. Pada tengah hari, benda yang diletakkan tegak lurus di titik nol derajat tidak memiliki bayangan.

This phenomenon is very unique because it is very rarely because of the generally solid object has a shadow in the now much less exposed to the rays of the Sun. But in this region, the area crossed the Equator line has no shadow or rather shadow lie directly below it. It is becoming a very very interesting phenomenon witnessed, because this phenomenon has only been at the places where the line crossed the equator, and the timing is not all the time only a certain time only. in my opinion such phenomena should be in major events in order to attract foreign tourists as well as local, given that the only place where the line crossed the equator.

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